Inward appearance?!?!

What would the world look like if we didn’t see each others faces, clothes, figure, jewelery, haircut or color of skin? What if we looked straight into each others hearts? No impressive behavior, glamorous looks or well build bodies. But all you could see was my heart. And I saw yours. I know for sure you would approach me differently. And probably I would too.

You would be able to see all my insecrurities, my victories and losses, my fear, my bitterness, my deepest desires, my love, my pain, my joy, my ugly selfishness.
You would see the real me.

I have to remember that true beauty actually comes from my and your heart.
I know that if we try to be the skinniest, strongest, tannest, tallest, or the sexiest, we would never feel totally satisfied. I know this, because I tried and sometimes still do.
God tells me He finds worth in what’s in my heart and yours.My worth isn’t in my outward appearance and how much people like or dislike me. My worth is found in Jesus, Who loved me so much that He died for me. It’s Jesus Who sees my heart and heals it. His Words, His Truth, His Love never fails and always restores, builds up and satisfies!

Because Jesus looks at me this way I want to learn to see people that way too!
To see them for who they really are. Their value, their pain, their love, their desires, their fears, their dreams. For I know, in the end we all want to be known! We all want to be seen. We all want to be real. Do we give each other room to be known? Let’s start today.
Look at the heart. See people.

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